100 Bloody Acres (2012)

100 Bloody Acres (2012)
Directed by: Cameron and Colin Cairnes
Country: Australia

Review: The first feature film from Cairnes brothers is an outrageous and shocking exercise on gore and comedy, which let us foreseen an interesting career for the filmmakers, yet many things have to be rethought in the future in order to attain a more mature level. The story is basic and follows three friends whose car broke down in their way to a music Festival. Their lucky seemed about to change when they get a ride from Reg who was making deliveries in a van from the fertilizer's company ‘Morgan’s Organics’. But what they didn’t know is that Reg and his merciless brother Lindsay, the owners of that company, were using grinded human bodies as a secret ingredient to produce their successful fertilizer. Not everything worked fine in this formulaic comedy, in particular the romantic conflicts, which seemed more a soap opera obfuscated by the horrendous scenes. But despite the lack of depth of its characters, the film is worth for what it is: a feast of craziness filled with enough blood to please the gore fans, and hilarious scenes, which have more to do with sex, that probably will make you have a good laugh. The contrast obtained between the two brothers was funny, with Reg showing more heart and naivety, while the gruesome Lindsay will be remembered as a freak villain with very odd tastes. Ridiculously disgusting but entertaining, “100 Bloody Acres” is an uncomplicated film to watch in a Sunday afternoon, without the kids around.