Jack Reacher (2012)

Jack Reacher (2012)
Directed by: Christopher McQuarrie
Country: USA

Review: Based on “One Shot”, the reputable novel by Lee Child, “Jack Reacher” brings Tom Cruise into the role of a former Army Military Police, whose name was implicated on the random killings of five people in Pittsburgh. Christopher McQuarrie, who got famous for writing “The Usual Suspects”, makes his second apparition as director, but disastrously nothing really stood out in “Jack Reacher”. The plot was impregnated with the usual formulas without bestow anything new. The predictable shootings, the long and tiresome car chasings and a limp ending, are reasons to ask: where have I seen this before?. I didn't feel any empathy for the characters, with Werner Herzog (yes!, the German filmmaker) being the most interesting of the cast. “Jack Reacher” filled the screens with another instantly forgettable punisher.