The Spectacular Now (2013)

The Spectacular Now (2013)
Directed by: James Ponsoldt
Country: USA

Review: I really enjoyed this inspired coming-of-age tale, based on Tim Tharpe’s novel and directed by James Ponsoldt (“Smashed”). The film’s success has much to do with the brilliant performances by Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley, who were capable of involving us in their illuminated romance, and intense life of dramas and dilemmas. Setten (Teller) is a 18-year-old rollicking young boy whose appetence for parties and girls are letting him more and more afar from succeeding in the studies. Completely lost in his little schemes, addicted on alcohol, and dumped by his girlfriend, Setten’s life will take an unexpected turn after his encounter with Aimee (Woodley), an ‘invisible’ High School colleague who seemed to have very little in common with him. She will help him to abandon the spectacular life of now, and take a deep look into his own feelings, and most of all, into the future. The ability of letting everything happen in a logical sequence and natural manner, without forcing the situations, was what I appreciated more in this bittersweet drama. It also doesn’t give the common illusions that everything can be solved in one’s life. In turn, it describes perfectly how to keep the life going with hope, without pretending that problems don’t exist. If “Smashed” showed some signs of Ponsoldt’s cleverness and accuracy behind the cameras, “The Spectacular Now” stepped up one level, foreseeing a bright future for this young talented filmmaker.