The Whistlers (2020)


Direction: Corneliu Porumboiu
Country: Romania

In his latest release, writer/director Corneliu Porumboiu probes the neo-noir crime thriller genre with unremarkable results. The Whistlers stars Vlad Ivanov (4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days) as Cristi, a secretive and corrupt cop who works on the side for the Romanian mafia.

As a solitary money hunter, he tries to deviate the attention of his greedy boss, Magda (Rodica Lazar), at the same time that protects Gilda (Catrinel Marlon), a femme fatale turned into the woman of his dreams. An agreement with the latter will take him to La Gomera in the Canary Islands to learn the whistling language known as silbo gomero.

Although never confusing in tone and not relying on any type of show-off, I wish the film was wilder and with less cerebral maneuvers. The script is rife with superficialities, wobbly in the details and sparse in thrills, whereas the execution is permanently cold but maintaining an artificial pose of cleverness. Occasionally the actors make it look entertaining, but for most of the time, it feels predictable due to an overwhelming dearth of surprises.

Corruption, double crosses and criminal schemes have been the essence of Porumboiu’s filmography, yet The Whistlers, playing a more crowd-pleasing and less ambitious formula, never reaches the mordacity and intelligence of 12:08 East of Bucharest (2006), Police Adjective (2009) and The Treasure (2015). I was unimpressed except for the whistling language itself.
