Every Blessed Day (2012)

Every Blessed Day (2012)
Directed by: Paolo Virzi
Country: Italy

Review: “Every Blessed Day” sets the story of Antonia and Guido, an unmarried couple who are together for a long time. Antonia works in a rent-a-car store during the day and sings in a bar at night, while Guido makes the night shift as porter in a big hotel. Their happiness will be shaken after they realize that having a child together is almost impossible. They decide to consult different doctors and submit to several treatments, always refusing to give up on hope. Will this struggle endure forever? Paolo Virzi’s decided for the same approach used in his previous film, “The First Beautiful Thing” (2010). Both characters' families play an important role in the story with the purpose of helping us to better understand personalities, as well as different origins and pasts. The lightness of the funny moments combined with the seriousness of real drama, sometimes showed how hard can be to decide which way to go. These momentary instabilities led to a couple of theatrical scenes that were not so favorable. Despite its ups and downs, “Every Blessed Day”, revealed to be a beautiful story, trying to show how much easier life can be, when we can face its adversities with someone we love.