Tiger Eyes (2012)

Tiger Eyes (2012)
Directed by: Lawrence Blume
Country: USA

Review: “Tiger Eyes” is an American drama based on Judy Blume’s novel and directed by her son Lawrence, ten years after his debut “Martin & Orloff”. The story follows Davey (Willa Holland), a teenager from Atlantic City whose life gets upside down after the sudden death of her beloved father. Heavily traumatized, Davey will have to find the courage needed to move forward, especially after witnessing her mother’s nervous breakdown and dependence on pills, as well as her little brother’s denial. Things seemed not going to get better after they move to Los Alamos, New Mexico, where her frustrated and protective aunt Bitsy together with her disciplinarian husband Walter, offer them their house and financial aid. But there, Davey will meet the right people to make her see things in a different perspective, realizing how love can be so warm in tough moments. In slow moves, “Tiger Eyes” shows a big heart and a beautiful spiritual side that is rewarding at the end. The young Willa Holland has a graceful performance, exemplifying a familiar crisis without any kind of hysteria, aggravated with all the associated coming-of-age issues. It’s true that there are no surprises here, but Blume puts a lot of sensibility in every scene, making the story evolve in a natural and sweet manner. The confident performances were undoubtedly the best vehicle to convert this positive story in a worthy film.