Following (1998) - capsule review


Direction: Christopher Nolan
Country: UK

Following, the debut feature film of genius filmmaker Christopher Nolan (Memento; Inception; Dunkirk), is a fascinating and immersive neo-noir enhanced with terrific acting. Filmed in black and white, it sort of nods to Godard but becomes quite darker in tone, giving us a hint of what Nolan can do with a low budget. The film, compellingly written and directed, manages to be provocative in an understated way, probing the earlier paths of success that turn Nolan into one of the most respected and innovative filmmakers of our times.


An Egyptian Story (1982) - capsule review


Director: Youssef Chahine
Country: Egypt

Egyptian director Youssef Chahine makes his most personal statement with An Egyptian Story, which, not having the magnetism of Cairo Station (1958), encapsulates some metaphoric scenes that implies both self-analysis and self-acceptance. Chahine trusts the leading role to Nour El-Sherif, taking us from one delicious take to another with legitimacy.


2 Films by Teinosuke Kinugasa - A Page of Madness (1926) and Gate of Hell (1953)


Japanese director Teinosuke Kinugasa’s avant-garde/experimental horror reflection is also infused with scary moments and emotional turmoil. The plot, adapted from a short story by Yasunari Kawabata, follows a remorseful man who accepts a janitor job in a remote asylum located in rural Japan in hopes of freeing his incarcerated wife. Simply feverish.



A tenacious country samurai pursues a married woman, who is forced to take extreme measures to deal with his insolence. Obsessive mad love in a Japanese samurai classic that, despite not crammed with sword battles, possesses a continuous, intense dramatic flair.
