Shiva Baby (2021)


Direction: Emma Seligman
Country: USA 

Emma Seligman’s debut feature, Shiva Baby, is a witty comedy expanded from her 2018 short film of the same name, which, despite not entirely new in form and circumstance, still works out pretty well. The writing by the Canadian director is self-aware, while the impressive performance by the young Rachel Sennott in the leading role might open some doors to a promising career. The latter, strongly flanked by a competent supporting cast, is Danielle, a Jewish college senior who goes to a shiva with her pestering parents, Debbie (Polly Draper) and Joel (Fred Melamed), just to find out that her sugar daddy, Max (Danny Deferrari), as well as her self-reliant ex-girlfriend, Maya (Molly Gordon), are also attending.

Personal discomposure, family judgment, emotional consternation, jealousy and petty retaliation are some strong aspects to come up from a feverish day in the life of the messy Danielle. 

Whereas the filmmaking shows some interesting details - I’m remembering a few closeups of grotesque faces during a moment of emotional unbalance - the plot tackles the subject to the point of cringe-worthy. It’s a moderately diverting film with plenty of awkwardness and a gossipy tone that can be occasionally teasing as well.
